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Loving Pursuit of the Sacred

Scroll down for programming for adults, children, and teens during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Sukkot and Simchat Torah information coming soon.

Registration is required for attendance. 

Locations include CBI Sanctuary, CBI Social Hall, LGA Oolam (multi-purpose room), Beetan (farm pavillion) on Abundance Farm, and the CBI Water Building.

We will have professional sound and video for those attending via livestream by Tom Klitus of Klituscope Films (video) and Andrew Zucchino of Sonix Pro Audio (sound). The livestream link will be sent to you upon registration.

All service times are approximate!


Erev (evening) Rosh Hashanah in the Sanctuary - Wednesday, October 2
6:30pm: Service begins, Sermon by Rabbi Ariella Rosen

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 in the Sanctuary - Thursday, October 3
9:00 am: Service begins
10:05 am: Torah Service
11:15 am: Shofar
11:30 am: Sermon by Rabbi Ariella Rosen
11:50 am: Musaf


Tashlikh at the Mill River - Thursday, October 3
4:00 pm: Gather at the Mill River
If you enter the trail from the corner of Washington Avenue and Ward Avenue, walk down the hill and take a right, following the path along the river for two minutes and you will find an opening where we will gather.

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 in the Sanctuary - Friday, October 4
9:00 am: Service begins
10:05 am: Torah Service
11:15 am: Shofar
11:30 am: Sermon by Rabbi Jacob Fine
11:50: Musaf

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Rosh Hashanah for Children and Teens, October 3 & October 4

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - Thursday, October 3
10:00-10:45 am: Shanah Shabloom in the LGA Oolam
Geared toward children ages 0-5 and their grownups.

11:15-12:30 pm: Rosh Hashanah Family Service in the LGA Oolam
A musical service FOR ALL AGES, with a special focus on kids ages 6 and up. Please register early to secure seating. Led by Aram Rubenstein Gillis, Rabbi Ariella Rosen, and friends.

11:15-12:30 pm: Teen Rosh Hashanah Meetup, at the Beetan (Abundance Farm Pavilion)
For grades 6th through 12th. Reflect on what you are releasing from the year behind, and what you look forward to in the year ahead.

4:00 pm: Tashlich at the Mill River

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - Friday, October 4
10:30-11:30am: Rosh Hashanah Family Experience
Stories, songs, shofar blowing, and conversation with Rabbi Ariella Rosen and Aram Rubenstein-Gillis.

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Rosh Hashanah with the Ohel Minyan, October 3 & 4

The Ohel Minyan is thrilled to be hosting traditional, egalitarian davening at the Water Building this year!
Services are all-Hebrew, with song, dancing and kavanah (intention). Members of the community lead davening (praying) as well as provide d'vrei torah (words of Torah) during services.  For more information visit OhelMinyan.org or reach out to the Ohel Minyan Gabbaim at: Gabbaim@Ohelminyan.org.

The Ohel Minyan nurtures and sustains a halakhically traditional, egalitarian Jewish community in Northampton, MA. Most people will experience it as very similar to an Orthodox minyan in terms of the speed, style, and sound of the davening. However, they are fully egalitarian: adult Jews of all genders are counted in a prayer quorum, and seating is not separated by gender.

Please register here to attend Ohel Minyan services. Services are free and open to everyone, donation recommended.

Wednesday, October 2
6:00 pm: Mincha and Ma’ariv

Candle lighting 6:11 pm

Thursday, October 3
9:00 am: Shacharit
10:30 am: Torah service

11:45 am: Musaf

1:00 pm: Hot Fleishik Kiddush

Candle lighting no earlier than 7:10 pm

Friday, October 4
9:00 am: Shacharit
10:30 am: Torah service
11:45 am: Musaf

1:00 pm: Milkhik Kiddush

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Yom Kippur, October 11 & October 12

Kever Avot Memorial Service at the CBI Cemetery - Sunday, September 29
11:00 am: Service begins. It is a longstanding Jewish custom to visit the graves of departed loved ones and community members during the High Holy Day season. In addition to those of us with loved ones buried in the CBI cemetery, we encourage those of you who are not able to travel to visit the graves of your loved ones in other locations at this time to use this as a way to honor your loved ones together with community.  This is also a moving way to honor the founders and forebearers of our thriving community.

Kol Nidre in the Sanctuary - Friday, October 11
5:30 pm: Service with Sermon by Rabbi Ariella Rosen

Yom Kippur Day in the Sanctuary - Saturday, October 12
9:00 am: Morning Blessings, Shacharit, and Sh'ma
10:10 am: Torah Service
11:15 am: Yizkor Service
11:30 am: Sermon by Rabbi Jacob Fine
11:50 am: Musaf

*New* Yom Kippur Afternoon learning Sessions Stay for the whole day, or attend any that interest you: 

1:30 - 2:20 pm: Restorative Yoga 
Join us for gentle and restorative practice. The soothing movements and calm atmosphere will create space for quiet introspection and physical renewal. Please bring a mat and blanket if you can.

2:30 - 3:20 pm: Coming Home: Engaging Yom Kippur as a Death (and Rebirth) Practice with Rabbi Jacob Fine and Becky Tucker

Many of the themes of Yom Kippur encourage us to confront our mortality and the fleeting nature of our lives. At one level, the experience of Yom Kippur is to be understood as a spiritual death and rebirth ritual. Through text study, group sharing, and contemplative exercises, we will engage with Yom Kippur through this lens to connect more deeply with the truth and journey of our lives.

3:30 - 4:20 pm: Chanting with Jen Wenz
Take this opportunity in the middle of the day to reset in your intentions for the rest of Yom Kippur. We'll sing some simple chants together, with lots of space in between for meditation and quiet reflection. A chance to drop in, take a breath, and reground before the gates close.

4:30 pm: Mincha and Neilah
6:55 pm: Final Shofar with Community-wide Havdalah

Community-wide Havdalah
6:55 pm: Begins. Is Havdalah your favorite part of Shabbat? Why not also make it a favorite of Yom Kippur as well. We will have a lively, musical (and short but meaningful) Havdalah. 

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Yom Kippur for Children and Teens, Saturday, October 12

Yom Kippur in the LGA Oolam
10:00 - 10:45 am: Yom Shabloom
Geared toward children ages 0-5 and their grownups.

11:15 - 12:30: Family Musical Service
A musical service FOR ALL AGES, with a special focus on kids ages 6 and up. Led by Aram Rubenstein-Gillis.

11:15-12:30: Teen Yom Kippur Meetup, at the Beetan (Abundance Farm Pavillion)
For grades 6th through 12th. 

6:15 pm: Kids’ Havdalah party in the LGA Oolam
Meet up with Aram Rubenstein Gillis to sing songs and prepare to help lead the entire community in Havdalah to end Yom Kippur. Kids of all ages welcome. 

Sun, October 6 2024 4 Tishrei 5785