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2023-24 CHALLAH Teen Classes Registration

Spring trimester starts March 28th!

Welcome to CHALLAH! CHALLAH is an ongoing, weekly series of classes for teens in grades 8 - 12, hosted by CBI and open to all. CHALLAH meets on Thursday nights from 5:30pm - 7:30pm with the exception of school breaks and some Jewish holidays. Each session includes a one-hour class, a community gathering led by Rabbi Ariella, social time, and an optional dinner.  Participants can sign up for 1, 2, or all 3 trimesters:

סְתָו  / Stahv / Fall trimester: October 12th - December 7th
אֲבִיבֵ / Aviv / Winter trimester dates: January 11th - March 7th
חורף / Choref / Spring trimester: March 28th - May 30th 
For families with children in grades pre-K - 7th, check out ALMA!

If you are requesting financial aid and/or wish to pay by check, please log into ShulCloud before filling out the form! If you do not have a ShulCloud account, please contact Elijah for assistance: 
Section A: Family or Caregiver Contact Information

If there is a secondary contact, all emails and mailings will go to both contacts. In case of urgent need, the primary contact will be notified first

Section B: Tuition and Student Enrollment Information
CHALLAH Tuition makes it possible for our program to sustain educators and provide materials for students. Tuition does NOT cover all of our staffing and overhead needs and is significantly subsidized by CBI.  CHALLAH tuition fees can be paid one time annually or monthly through a payment plan. Financial aid options are available!
CHALLAH Tuition Rates
  • Individual trimester = $340 without dinner / $420 with dinner 
  • Two trimesters = $680 without dinner / $840 with dinner 
  • Three trimesters = $1,020 without dinner / $1,260 with dinner 
For those who wish to opt-in, we provide vegetarian dinner from local restaurants or prepped at CBI each week towards the end of each CHALLAH session (6:45pm - 7:15pm). This is open to all CHALLAH students at an additional cost of $10 per meal ($80 per trimester). 
Registration for Those Seeking Financial Assistance 

We strongly believe that finances should never be an obstacle to Jewish education.  We ask that every family commits to some financial contribution, however we are very happy to discuss financial aid options for any CBI member family that may require tuition assistance. If you select yes, you will discuss your payment ability in a confidential meeting with Rabbi Ariella Rosen. 

When the form takes you to billing, select the option "bill to account"; that will allow you to complete the form without paying. You must be logged into your ShulCloud account to do this. If you do not have a ShulCloud account, please contact Elijah for assistance: elijah@cbinorthampton.org 
Please fill out an additional form for any additional teens over 2.
Student 1 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Does your child have any allergies, medications, or other health conditions?
Please describe allergies, health conditions, and medications (including dosage and timing).
If yes, we will be in touch before the start of the trimester to best understand how to support you.
Student 1: Choose Your Course! 
אֲבִיבֵ / Aviv / Spring courses: 

1. Jewish Cooking and Food Studies 
Explore the world of the Jewish diaspora with your mouth! Learn Jewish history, culture and tradition through cooking and, of course, eating. Working with both a geographical and a historical framework, this course seeks to interrogate the very idea of Jewish food, engaging with questions such as: What makes a food Jewish? How is Jewish food from a particular region different from non-Jewish food from the same place? Are certain ingredients Jewish? This trimester we will focus on global, Jewish cuisine for the three main spring holidays: Purim, Pesach, and Shavuot. Co-taught by Ozzy Gold-Shapiro and Aaron Kagan. 

Aaron Kagan (he/him) is CBI's Teen Engagement Coordinator as well a freelance food writer with professional cooking experience. Aaron's food writing has appeared in publications such as The Forward, The Boston Globe, Eater, and Smithsonian, and his current food obsession is replacing egg whites with "aquafaba" (aka chickpea cooking liquid). 

Ozzy Gold-Shapiro (they/them) teaches with CBI's Alma program and is a Yiddishist,IMG_7383.jpg
historian, and performer among many other things! This is Ozzy's second time teaching a cooking and food studies class with CHALLAH. Ozzy loves forging connections, building community on and off the stage, and creating joyous and raucous occasions for local mutual aid work. And their cooking is not be missed! 

Student 2 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Does your child have allergies, medications, or health conditions? 
Please describe allergies, health conditions, and medications (including dosage and timing).
If yes, we will be in touch before the start of the trimester to best understand how to support you.
Student 2: Choose Your Course!
אֲבִיבֵ / Aviv / Spring courses: 

1. Jewish Cooking and Food Studies 
Explore the world of the Jewish diaspora with your mouth! Learn Jewish history, culture and tradition through cooking and, of course, eating. Working with both a geographical and a historical framework, this course seeks to interrogate the very idea of Jewish food, engaging with questions such as: What makes a food Jewish? How is Jewish food from a particular region different from non-Jewish food from the same place? Are certain ingredients Jewish? This trimester we will focus on global, Jewish cuisine for the three main spring holidays: Purim, Pesach, and Shavuot. Co-taught by Ozzy Gold-Shapiro and Aaron Kagan. 

Aaron Kagan (he/him) is CBI's Teen Engagement Coordinator as well a freelance food writer with professional cooking experience. Aaron's food writing has appeared in publications such as The Forward, The Boston Globe, Eater, and Smithsonian, and his current food obsession is replacing egg whites with "aquafaba" (aka chickpea cooking liquid). 

Ozzy Gold-Shapiro (they/them) teaches with CBI's Alma program and is a Yiddishist,IMG_7383.jpg
historian, and performer among many other things! This is Ozzy's second time teaching a cooking and food studies class with CHALLAH. Ozzy loves forging connections, building community on and off the stage, and creating joyous and raucous occasions for local mutual aid work. And their cooking is not be missed! 

Section C: Release Forms

By typing my name, I have read and understand the above statement.

By typing my name, I have read and understand the above statement.
Section D: Additional Information
Section E: Membership

While CBI family membership is not required to enroll in CHALLAH, we encourage it!  We are trying to build a meaningful and authentic community within CHALLAH. We also aim to encourage the development of strong bridges between our CHALLAH families and the broader community at CBI and Abundance Farm. In a world where so many people feel isolated and long for deep connection, we offer a unique, inclusive, multi-generational community that offers a wide range of services, programs and opportunities for connection.

If you are interested in learning more about CBI membership, we would love to talk with you! If you click the box below, someone will be in touch with you shortly.
Section F: Payment Information

Your CHALLAH tuition total is below. If you requested financial aid, we will be in touch with you and your total will be adjusted after you speak to Rabbi Ariella Rosen.

If you wish to pay with check or requested financial aid, please select "bill to account" on the next page. That will allow you to complete the form without payment. Rabbi Ariella Rosen will follow up with you to discuss your household's payment plan.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784