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Minyanim at CBI

Scroll down for more info on Avodat Lev, Wednesday Minyan, Meditation, Rosh Chodesh Minyan, and Ohel Minyan.
All are welcome to join us for these in-person and virtual prayer offerings.


Avodat Lev, meaning “heart work”, is a songful, contemplative prayer practice that follows the format of the weekday services in a mix of simple chants, meditations, and poetry in Hebrew and English. The practice is meant to guide us in greeting the afternoon/evening, acknowledging our own holiness and our connection to the holiness of Creation, expressing gratitude, and setting an intention for the month/season ahead. Avodat Lev was developed by the Adamah program at Isabella Freedman. No prior prayer knowledge or practice is required and all are welcome.


Sign up for Avodat Lev email updates! 
Complete the fields below to receive occasional email updates about our weekly contemplative chant-based service.



Join us each Wednesday at 5:30 pm for a Mincha service and opportunity to recite Kaddish.
Please let Norbert Goldfield know if you can help make a minyan this Wednesday.


Join us for Rosh Chodesh minyan at CBI to celebrate the new Hebrew month. Rosh Chodesh minyan begins at 8 am on weekdays, 9 am on Sundays and is part of Shabbat morning services when Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbat. Please be in touch with Lew Rosenthal, Rosh Chodesh minyan coordinator, if you can help make a minyan this month.


Daven (pray) with the Ohel Minyan, a traditional egalitarian minyan. Ohel Minyan meets Mondays through Fridays at 8:15 am and Sundays at 9:00 am.


Thursday Meditation: 8:00 am on Zoom; first of the month in person in the CBI Sanctuary
In the midst of our very busy lives, it is a wonderful gift to set aside this time each week for quiet contemplation. People begin to arrive at 8:00 am and take a seat in a circle. Some people do yoga or tai chi or simply relax and settle in to the quiet atmosphere.

At 8:15 am, a group member gives a ten minute D’var Torah to begin the session. Then, for half an hour of meditation, all is peaceful and silent. One needn’t be an experienced meditator to take advantage of this time for separation from the world of noisy demands for our attention. Everyone is welcome. We invite you to try it.

Jewish Spirituality Group, once a month on Sunday afternoons on Zoom and in classroom 3
The group offers seekers an opportunity to study and exchange ideas. We open with a prayer for study, followed by a short check-in, then one of the group members shares a reading for the group to discuss. We end with a short prayer of well-wishes. Topics of study hhave included neo-Hasidic teachings, Jewish spirituality writings, current Jewish books and our own definition of the Divine.

Contact Naomi Tannen with any questions and/or if you would like to be added to our mailing list. The next month’s date is chosen by the attendees at the end of each meeting. While sponsored by CBI, attendees include those from other Jewish communities and all are welcome.

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Shevat 5785