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From Rabbi David - Study Economic Inequality in the Bible with Professor Joel Kaminsky

12/16/2020 04:42:33 PM


Dear Friends,

I am very excited that Professor Joel Kaminsky will teach a 4-session series beginning January 12 on Wealth and Poverty in the Hebrew Bible.  This mini-course will focus on both legal and prophetic texts that explore the creation of wealth, inequities between rich and poor and visions of a just society.  Joel is the Morningstar Professor of Bible at Smith College, and as anyone who has taken his courses will tell you, he is a master scholar and teacher.  

Even in this unprecedented time, we are offering this course as part of our CBI Chevruta series, in which we engage local scholars to take us on extended explorations of classical texts.  To date, we have had the privilege of treasured teachers walk us through topics in the Bible and Talmud, mystical literature of the Zohar and Hasidic masters, halakhah and aggadah.  

In keeping with the tradition of CBI Chevruta courses, we are asking for a suggested contribution for this course of $25, but it is at your discretion and no one will be turned away.  

To register for this course, please follow this link or the one above.

So, as we head into winter, save these dates for your own inspiration through study as we continue to build community through our culture of learning.  In the meantime, I look forward to connecting with you soon.


Rabbi Justin David



Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784