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Come to a Community Listening Session

10/06/2023 10:00:56 AM


Search Committee

Dear CBI Community,

Thank you to 200+ of you who have already taken the Rabbinic Needs Assessment survey that was sent out in August. We’re already noticing a few trends: Ritual, spiritual life, and pastoral care are the biggest areas that you, our community, have prioritized so far. 

This needs assessment is only the first step to understanding the role we are looking to fill with a new spiritual or ritual leader. The search will ultimately encompass community input, staffing and leadership considerations, and budgetary realities. 

We want to be clear: It’s incumbent on us to keep all options in mind throughout this time of transition. We are looking at a variety of models that can best meet the needs of our growing community, and it's likely that the structure of our leadership will look different than in the past. We recognize that change is both exciting and challenging.

The Search Committee will be holding listening sessions to hear from the community, including through targeted focus groups. In-person listening sessions are drop-in, you do not need to RSVP. Zoom listening sessions are by registration only. 

General listening session: Tuesday, October 10, 7:00-8:00 pm in the CBI Library 

General listening session: Thursday, October 12, 12:00-1:00 pm in the CBI Library

General Zoom listening session: Friday, October 13, 12:00-1:00 pm over Zoom. Register here for the Zoom link

Please keep an eye out for an email with dates for more of these opportunities, both in-person and over Zoom. For those that can’t attend, please feel free to send feedback here

Moadim l’simchah,

Naomi Barnesky and Meredith Lewis, Search Committee Co-Chairs Veronica Darmon, Leah Kaufman, Maxine Stein, Noah T. Winer, Search Committee

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784